Och den taxichauffören fick nog men för livet

Klockan var ungefär 04.45. Jag, Suzy och satt i en taxi på väg hem från jobbet och började skvallra och snacka om killar och så. Inget ovanligt med det.

Suzy: Jenny you know...Sedef is such a bitch. She came in to work today after her holiday and all u know and the first thing she told me is; Jenny fucked James. So I told her I know. Apperently everyone from Tiger knows. They'll talk now..bitches.

Me: Hahahaha...goooo suzy! But seriously, haven't they gotten over that yet. It was like a week ago. But I guess talk is cheap when the story is good.

Suzy: Yeah, you right! It was the news of last week. Then you're safe.
But tell me about it. Was he good? Noooo, I can't iamgine James being good in bed.

Me: If I just remembered.

Both: Hahahahahahaah

Suzy: But did he say anything sweet to you?

Me: Sweet? hahahaha--NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Suzy: Just what I thought.

Me: But he said some relly funny stuff. But I'm not sure I'll tell..

Suzy: Tell, tell, tell

Me: nooo..or u can't tell him I told. hahahahaha..and you're gonna laugh so badly now. And I was laughing when he said it..

Suzy: I'm waiting.....impatiently

Me: haha..ok...well, he said..."I'm gonna fuck you so hard"

Suzy: whaaaaat?

Me: Mhm


Sen var det dags för mig att kliva ur taxin.


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