The importance of being idle...

...or at least believing you are for a while. That's the way I've been keeping myself busy today. To be honest with you, I've been quite productive today, but it all felt relaxing.
Woke up at around 11.45 am, after 5 hours sleep, had a shower and went to physiotherapy. The strenght and flexibility in my knee has improved a lot, which I'm really greatful about. Ciara refered me to a gym now where I'm gonna keep on streghtening my knee. Best of's gonna be free:).

After physiotherapy I went home, had som tea with Tilda and then we went to Baker Street. First we went to the embassy. My passport expires soon and I need a new one for my trip to New York anyway. 124 pounds I paid...thanks god you only have to renew it once every fifth year! After this it was time for "Totally Swedish". For those of you who are unfamiliar with "Totally Swedish" I can only say one think - it's a shop with the best things from Sweden in London! How about Lussekatter,. gingerbread dough, Hard bread (knackerbrod), Herring in mustard (if you fancy that), Julmust, Lantchips, Greve cheese, Marabou chocolate....I could keep going, but you get the picture, right? YUM!!!!
Stopped by Wine Warehouse and bought two bottles of Merlot as well.

The evening and night were then spent drinking the wine and nibbeling on all the yummy things we bought. We lit candles and played Monopoly and cards. Lovely!

As you can imagine; pretty productive day, but oh, yet so relaxing!

Now it's time for bed.



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