New York City day 1

I'm well aware it took me a good while to get my lazy arse to log on to here. I do appologize, but since I believe I have about two people who actually bother reading my blog, no harm is done!

But I might want to be able to look back and read about my awesome time in New York later, so this diary is for me folks.

The night prior to the flight I couldn't really sleep. I was so excited (and to be honest a little bit worried there was some minor detail I'd forgotten to take care of). The forecasted snow storm bothered me a bit as well. That was only bullocks though. Woke up around 2.30 am, got a cab to Heathrow (was like 25 quid, really worth the money!" sat down at a really uncomfortable bench and waited to check in. Checked in around 6 am after a whole questionaire. Suspicious people indeed! Passed trough security check without setting the alarm of. This is actually quite an achievment since I'm always wearing something which sets the alarm of:P
Had breakfast at Starbucks, then got a call out that all passangers travelling to JFK with Delta airline should proceed to the terminal for additional security check. And thet's what I did. Passed again (yay!) and after about 90 minutes we were finally allowed to board the plane.
I fell asleep before we left ground and woke up when a friendly voice said "miss Andersson, would you like your vegeterian brunch now?" of course I did! I have to point out I've always been a bit sceptical about to food served on flights. This was betond yummy though! Actually one of the better veggie brunches I've had!
The staff on the flight were the sweetest ever! So friendly and helpful! Next time I'm going to USA I'm definitely flying with Delta again! And best of all - they are cheap.

After about eight hours the plane had crossed the pond and we were now about to arrive in the U and the S and the A!
Citizens of most of the European countries don't need visas to enter the USA. Instead you have to apply online for a kind of E-visa. It's called Visa Waiver and it's free. Without this you're not even allowed to board the plane. But even if you got you've done your application this doesn't automatically give you the right to enter.
I was actually a bit nervous when I stood before the boarder agent. I've heard him asking heaps of questions to the guys in front of me. No need to worry though, he only asked what my purpose with this trip was and what I was doing in London for living.
Now I was in New York City! Happy, happy, happy as a dog with two tails.
Took the internal train to terminal 7 where the guys was sbout to arrive six hours later.
I waited, waited and waited. At 7.30 pm they finally arrived!
Caught the train into Manhattan, found our hostel without any problems at all and checked in. Decidid to go for Dinner somewhere. I had finger food and cocktails in mind, but boys will be boys so we ended up at Wendys. For those of you who doesn't know Wendy's is a greasy American hamburger chain. Not recommended!
After this we decided to check out the local bar to grap a beer or two. This should never have been done.
All io know is that I got extremely drunk and apparently threw up in the shower. Of course I didn't notice that until the day after. Then it hit me...hard!

Next...New York City day 2


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