The importance of being idle...

...or at least believing you are for a while. That's the way I've been keeping myself busy today. To be honest with you, I've been quite productive today, but it all felt relaxing.
Woke up at around 11.45 am, after 5 hours sleep, had a shower and went to physiotherapy. The strenght and flexibility in my knee has improved a lot, which I'm really greatful about. Ciara refered me to a gym now where I'm gonna keep on streghtening my knee. Best of's gonna be free:).

After physiotherapy I went home, had som tea with Tilda and then we went to Baker Street. First we went to the embassy. My passport expires soon and I need a new one for my trip to New York anyway. 124 pounds I paid...thanks god you only have to renew it once every fifth year! After this it was time for "Totally Swedish". For those of you who are unfamiliar with "Totally Swedish" I can only say one think - it's a shop with the best things from Sweden in London! How about Lussekatter,. gingerbread dough, Hard bread (knackerbrod), Herring in mustard (if you fancy that), Julmust, Lantchips, Greve cheese, Marabou chocolate....I could keep going, but you get the picture, right? YUM!!!!
Stopped by Wine Warehouse and bought two bottles of Merlot as well.

The evening and night were then spent drinking the wine and nibbeling on all the yummy things we bought. We lit candles and played Monopoly and cards. Lovely!

As you can imagine; pretty productive day, but oh, yet so relaxing!

Now it's time for bed.


And If I'm flying solo at least I'm flying free

I'm hereby officially in love with Kerri Ellis' rock''roll version of "Defying gravity" from Wicked the musical.
It's fuckin' awesome

Since my technical skills are below zero I can't paste the whole vido onto my blogg, so here's the link.

"Something has changed with in me, something is not the same.
I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game.
Too late for second guessing, too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap!

It's time to try defying gravity.
Kiss me goodbye I'm defying gravity
And you won't bring me down.

I'm through with accepting limits cause someone says they're so.
Some things I cannot change but 'till I'll try I'll never know.
Too long I've been afraid of losing love I guess I've lost.
Well, if that's love it comes at much too high a cost.

I'd sooner buy defying gravity
I'm way up high defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye, I'm defying gravity
And you won't bring me down

my future is unlimited.
And I just had a vision,
almost like a prophecy
I know - it sounds truly crazy.
And true - the vision's hazy.
But I can see it, I can feel it
I swear I'll be so high

So if you care to find me
look to the western sky
As someone told me lately:
"Everyone deserves a chance to fly!"
And if I'm flying solo, at least I'm flying free
To those who'd ground me take a message back from me.

It's time to try defying gravity
I'm way up high, I'm defying gravity.
Kiss me goodbye, I'm defying gravity
And you won't bringe me, you won't bring me down!"

The festive season has officially started

Six days has passed since Bin Ladin's bomb of mess exploded in my room. Today I finally started picking up the pieces. It's almost done now. Just hoovering left and then my room will look like a place for an adult - not like a kinder garden play room.

What's the first of December today - Christmas is nigh. I absolutely adore Christmas and the festive season; if we for one second disregard the fact that the next three weeks at work will be extremely chaotic.
Talking about work..I had a small breakdown on Saturday night. Basically I work my as off for that place and I think I get no credit for it. And my bubble just burst on Saturday night. I deserved that supervisor position - fuck them! But life goes on and as long as PJ doesn't turn into a bitch I think I'll be able to cope with him telling me what to do.

Today's my day off by the way. My plans for this day were grand. None of them were fulfilled due to the fact that I slept til 4.30pm. No day light today either. But I'm off tomorrow again so then I'm planning on leaving bed:).

Now I'm just gonna listen to Christmas songs, being merry and drink my mulled wine (a substitute to Swedish glogg).


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